
As the years come and go with changes to federal Financial Aid from gainful employment to prior prior year, CAFAA brings on a more exciting and welcomed change.  Since 1967 CAFAA has been at the forefront in serving the needs of financial aid professionals here...

Whew!  I am one tired gal.  Trying to stay on top of new regulations, old regulations, reporting deadlines, corrections to this and corrections to that can make one wonder if employment in the field of financial aid is really worth it.  Within the past several...

Ahh, the sound of frolicking students, the sight of crying mothers and the smell of burgers on the grill for the afternoon bar-b-que in the quad…screech…then we come back to our reality.  The sound of panicked students who thought they did their FAFSA, the sight...

The best leadership book I have read is “Leadership Land Mines; 8 management catastrophes and how to avoid them” by Marty Clarke.  In my opinion, anyone interested in leadership should read this book.  It’s not about leadership theories; it’s practical applications with real stories as...