16 Sep The Importance of Working Together with Other Offices on Campus

How often do you collaborate with other offices on your campus? How often do you make changes that could affect other offices?
These are some questions we need to ask ourselves.
Working together with other offices on campus is very beneficial as we can communicate any changes, issues/concerns, new programs, deadline dates, etc that we see coming down the pike So many times, little changes on either end can impact the other side without either of us realizing it! Working together will help to keep the consistency between offices as you continue to build upon a good relationship.
So, go ahead and give it a try . . . build a bond with an office, whether it be Admissions, School of Business, Psychology Department, Education Abroad etc. Schedule monthly meetings with them and build a strong relationship!
Eileen Griego | Assistant Director-Special Programs
Student Financial Services
Division of Enrollment & Access
(970.491.0973 | :sfs.colostate.edu