28 Mar You’re awesome! Get Involved!!

Looking for a way to get involved, but not really sure where to start?? Consider joining a committee!
Do you love working with FAFSA nights and visiting local high schools to get students (and parents!) excited about financial aid?? Consider joining the Financial Aid Awareness/College Goal Sunday Committee!!
Consider joining the Historian Committee so you can help shape and preserve CAFAA’s history!
Consider joining the Membership Committee! Connect with financial aid pro’s across the state and help spread the awesomeness to folks who may not know!
Want to help spread the word about the great things going on with CAFAA? Consider joining the Newsletter/Blog!
Join the Professional Development Committee and help spread the knowledge across the state! We can learn from each other, and help one another better serve our students and constituents!
Got a knack for tech? Join the Technology / Web Committee and be part of the greatness when crafting CAFAA’s digital content and communication!
The greatness of CAFAA as an organization depends on members like you to share your ideas, your time, and your passion to keep the excellence unfolding. Volunteer your time – you’ll be glad you did!! “How do I do this??” . . . well . . . the Volunteer Form is right on the web site (http://www.cafaa.org/contact-us/volunteer-form) and takes no time at all to complete!! Find your passion, volunteer your time, and help keep CAFAA a source of information and professional development for so many FA Professionals across the state! Members of each committee will be in attendance at the Annual Conference in Crested Butte, May 4th – 6th. Hope to see you there!!
Elizabeth A Romba, PhD
College-wide Coordinator of Work-Study Programs
Front Range Community College
Phone 970.204.8359