19 Jul Professional Development Committee Gears Up for Year Ahead

The 2018-2019 CAFAA Professional Development Committee is gearing up to hit the ground running! We are excited to bring you a wide range of events that will engage, inspire and challenge you to take the next step in your career in higher education. The mission of CAFAA’s Professional Development Committee is to identify the training requests of the membership, to develop programs, and facilitate offerings. The strategy behind accomplishing this mission will be to review, develop, provide, advertise and encourage member participation in professional development opportunities, along with identifying sources within CAFAA to provide supplemental training to meet the needs of the membership. This year we are dedicated to keeping the momentum of last year’s committee with the goal of having at least 3 events ranging from in-person sessions, livestreams, webinars, and full-day meetings with drop-in options. On the agenda for this year are topics including NASFAA Credentialing, networking events, and a focus on upward movement in Financial Aid. If you have anything else you would like to see in terms of training and professional development, please email me at Cassandra.Odum@colorado.edu.
Your 2018-2019 CAFAA Professional Development Committee:
- Cassi Odum, Chair, University of Colorado Boulder
- Kathleen Yruegas, Platt College
- Paula Rizzi, Pikes Peak Community College
- Rebekah Zaborek, University of Colorado Boulder
- Asuka Nosaka, Colorado State University
- Reilly Watanabe, Red Rocks Community College
- Elizabeth Collins, Community College of Denver
- Theresa Godinez, Metropolitan State University Denver
- Jennifer Swanson, Metropolitan State University Denver
- Phillip Belmudez, Colorado State University
We are all dedicated to the overall mission of CAFAA, Financial Aid, and Higher Education and are excited to provide you with quality sessions that serve a purpose.
Cassi Odum
Coordinator of Scholarship Services
University of Colorado Boulder
CAFAA Professional Development Committee Chair