20 Jan Membership Renews Due Now

Remember, CAFAA membership renewals are due!
Account Administrators please renew the membership for your whole institution, as our secondary members will not have this access.
Please be sure to:
- Review and update your institution’s roster of members
- Remove those no longer at your institution
- Update contact information and current positions as needed
- Payment of membership dues will be processed by credit card
- If credit card payment is not an option for your institution please reach out to Kristine Bureau, CAFAA Treasurer
A CAFAA membership holds so many great opportunities from; networking events and professional development training. To industry insight and fantastic tools/resources like the our online Financial Aid Toolkit.
In the year to come, CAFAA will continue to rebound from the impacts of the pandemic as the Board works to revamp the Association to provide even more of these wonderful opportunities.
If you aren’t taking advantage of these opportunities or might be questioning the benefit of your participation. I encourage you to reach out to any of our Board Members to learn about what this Association can do for you, your staff, your institution, and the state as a whole.
If you know of someone who is interested in joining please have them visit the CAFAA website or reach out to Tracy Craven our Membership Chair to learn more.