09 Jun CAFAA’s Thirst to Better Ourselves!
Over the past few years CAFAA has been progressing for the better. We’ve made changes to the membership model, moving the conference to better service the needs of the membership and our partners, and even had a redesign on our logo. The point being is that CAFAA is what we make of it by either volunteering for committees, like Beth suggested in her prior blog, or speaking out to CAFAA board members about your ideas. You don’t necessarily have to be here every board meeting or browse the website constantly to feel a part of the CAFAA membership, because as a member you are what makes up CAFAA. This might sound like a cliché “Your Voice Matters” blog, but with CAFAA and the way we are structured your voice does in fact matter! Don’t believe me? Just think back to the most recent survey that went out by our President Eileen Griego about the location of our 50th Anniversary Annual CAFAA Conference. It came down to just a few votes to determine that Breckenridge would be our host to our 50th Anniversary CAFAA Conference and you know who those few votes were? Those few votes were you, the membership. So be CAFAA’s eyes, ears, voice and presence. Have a suggestion about the website let me know me, have a suggestion for a conference item let Beth Romba know, or venture on over to CAFAA’s Leadership page in case you are curious to know who to reach out to when that lightbulb pops off in your head!
Mike Pearce | CAFAA Technology Chair
Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design
P 303.753.6046 ext. 22109 |http://www.rmcad.edu