04 Jun CAFAA Conference 2018 Recap

Wow, is it really over already? I can’t believe how fast this year went by and I can’t believe another CAFAA conference has come and gone. To everyone who attended – I sure hope you learned a lot and made new CAFAA friends. To everyone who planned – thank you for all your hard work. And to Rob Sullivan, this year’s conference chair – thank you for your amazing leadership.
Black Hawk is always a great location and even though we got some snow, everyone seemed to enjoy the great sessions, great speakers, and surprisingly good food.
At the annual banquet, I had the great honor of announcing this year’s CAFAA award recipients:
Jennifer Graves, University of Colorado Boulder and Ashlee Dutton, Pikes Peak Community College
Cassie Seamans, University of Colorado Boulder
Tara Spritzer, Colorado State University
Congratulations to these very deserving CAFAA members!

Ofelia newly ‘crowned’ as CAFAA President
When I started my career a couple of decades ago, I would’ve never expected how it would all turn out. Back then, if someone would’ve told me I would eventually become the director of financial aid at CU Boulder and CAFAA President in the same year, I would’ve said “No way, you’re crazy!” And, if someone had actually asked me to do both at the same time, I would’ve said “No way, you’re crazy!” Things don’t always turn out as planned and it was a pretty tough year for me on a professional and personal level. However, the more adversity I experience in life, the more I learn to lean on others for help. And, if you think about it – that’s what CAFAA is all about. Our profession can be complicated and stressful, but we have each other to lean on.
The group I leaned on the most was this year’s Board of Directors. Thank you so much for your support, volunteerism and commitment to CAFAA. I could not have asked for a better group of people to spend the year with and I’m extremely proud of the work we were able to accomplish together. Seriously, I could not have gotten through this year without you all.
Thank you to the entire CAFAA membership for allowing me to serve as your president this past year. It was an incredible honor!
Ofelia Morales
Director of Financial Aid
University of Colorado Boulder
CAFAA Past President (Natasha – the title is now yours). 🙂