27 Feb 5 Simple Self-Care Reminders for You (& Your Students)
Raise your hand if you find yourself so overwhelmed with life – the start of the semester, disbursement, dealing with multiple award years, reconciliation, personal obligations, family, etc. – that you forget to take care of yourself? I’m notoriously guilty and often find myself wondering why I feel like I’m running on empty. Ultimately, we need to take care of ourselves before we can care for anyone else.
Get a good night’s rest!
Remember, your body needs 6-8 hours of sleep to function properly. Sleep is a natural healing process for your body and allows your brain to actively work while you’re asleep. One great tip to increase better sleeping habits is to turn off all electronics at least 30 minutes prior to bedtime.
Exercise can really help decrease stress levels. Is going to the gym not your thing? That’s okay! Aside from the gym, you can integrate other fitness activities, such as yoga, kickboxing, riding your bike, hiking, running, or walking with your dog (my dog thinks this is the BEST thing ever).
Decompress/Take a Deep Breath/Find a Way to Relax
Practice meditation and relaxation techniques by finding a quiet space to take deep breaths in a relaxed position. Always remember to turn off your electronic devices to decrease distractions. Some other forms of relaxation include listening to soothing music, reading and practicing religious rituals.
Forgive Yourself
Make a mistake? It’s okay! Allow yourself to make mistakes – it’s how we learn! Nobody is perfect and we can all learn from each other.
Recognize a Job Well Done – even by you!
While there are great merits to a “to-do” list, we must also recognize the things we’ve already done. At the end of the day, make a list (either mental or write it out) of the productive things you’ve done that day. Have a really great student interaction? Complete a tough project? Do the laundry? Did you remember to take out the trash? No matter how small, you deserve a pat on the back!
Helpful Resources
- Healthy Sleep Tips – https://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-tools-tips/healthy-sleep-tips
- How to Stick to an Exercise Plan – https://www.webmd.com/stick-with-fitness-plan#1
- Meditation Tips – https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/meditation/in-depth/meditation/art-20045858
Elizabeth Romba
Coordinator of Work Study Programs
Front Range Community College
CAFAA Vice President